Welcome to the one and only Age of Empires II guide where we will introduce you to all AOE2 civilizations and strategies to execute with each one of them. First lets talk about what AOE2 is.
This game was released in year 1999 by Ensemble studios and labeled as Age of Empires II: Age of Kings. Shortly after, there was an expansion to the game called "The Conquerors". Than HD version of the game was released and The Conquerors was made part of the basegame. Than slowly three DLCs came out and one of them was made by group of AOE2 fans called Forgotten Empires.Other two DLCs were made by the developers and called "African Empires" and "Rise of Rajas".After a long period of nothing, finally in year 2019 Definitive Edition was released. It featured all the previous expansions as the part of the basegame plus as a bonus, four new civs were introduced to the game in the basegame DLC named "Last Khans". Besides that, the graphics were overhauled and made far more btter and game UI was reworked to be much more intuitive and easy to understand. From that point onwards, every month new balance changes are introduced to make the game more fair. In the Januray of 2021 new DLC came out called "Lords of the West" and featured two new civilizations and game mechanics never seen before in the game. And so we get into the present day. So let us tell you about what are the core mechanics and points of AOE2
Next thing you should know is that AOE2 is RTS game which means you and your opponent are making choices at the same time. You need to make your decisions quick or your opponent is going to be better and then win. That translates into more competitive scene