Home Haven Bind Split Ascent


When I play this map, I have mixed feelings about the match, because this is not really defender or attacker sided map. Usually the better team wins, because they have better communication, individual skill or game sense. This is a well balanced map, because on A it is a control of chokepoints and on B it is control of open space, so both are equally challangeing. But A is a little easier, because you only need control of the half of the site and you just wall it off with Sages wall. For B you need Brimstones smokes, because it is so open. If you have skilled snipers on your team be sure that they have a sniper rifle in hand. There also are teleporters on this map which allow quick rotations between the sites.


Bind map overview

Bind map walkthrough with shroud(end at 8:03):

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