
Age of Empires II has almost 40 civilizations, which means it can offer enormous amount of diversity in playstyle and strategies. The civilizations do not differ too much but all of them have unique set of bunuses, 1 - 2 unique units, unique technologies and some of them even unique buildings. Civilizations in AoE2 are often divided into four groups and those groups are:

In game civilizations are classified in more categories than just four, but this list shows you how they are typically played and what options do they have avalieble to them. All civilizations share the same tech tree, but each one has only part of the tech tree avaliable to them and that defines how the civilization is being played. There are also some wacky civilizations, who dont have any common unit option, which leads to them being played a bit wierd or just unplayed. These civilizations are typically wierd because they have weak tech tree but strong unique unit, who they almost always go for.

Technology tree