UCL Maths Challenge


Here you can find contact details of the UCL Maths Challenge project leaders in case you wish to contact us. (When using the email addresses, replace "at" by @ and "dot" by actual dots; do not include the spaces.)

UCL Maths Challenge 2009/2010 has been project led by:
Kuba Bochinski - j dot bochinski at ucl dot ac dot uk
Marta Dravecká - m dot dravecka at ucl dot ac dot uk
Naushin Hassan - n dot hassan at ucl dot ac dot uk

UCL Maths Challenge 2008/2009 had been project led by:
Marta Dravecká - m dot dravecka at ucl dot ac dot uk
Agnieszka Fraszczak - a dot fraszczak at ucl dot ac dot uk
Martin Godány - m dot godany at ucl dot ac dot uk

UCL Maths Challenge 2007/2008 had been project led by:
Martin Godány - m dot godany at ucl dot ac dot uk
Katarína Smolárová - k dot smolarova at ucl dot ac dot uk

If you have any problems with the website, please contact Martin Godány at m dot godany at ucl dot ac dot uk.